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Safe Keeping Receipt or SKR, or Safekeeping, is where an asset owner elects to place that asset in the care of an Agent, usually a Bank or a Financial Institution and receives an acknowledgement from the Bank as to their “Safekeeping” of that asset.
This letter is not an official purchase agreement. All the terms and conditions of the proposed transaction would be established in the Purchase Agreement, which will be negotiated, agreed and executed by both parties.
The company will study each order received and carry out the necessary DD studies to assess the industrial and financial capacity of the client and therefore reserves the right of admission and acquisition.
BRITISH INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS, will only send official documents duly signed and accepted by the company by email in an official way, if you receive a document from our company by any other means, it will not have commercial validity and there could be the possibility of not recognizing the document. Therefore, International Trading & Business LTD is not responsible for offers received in an inappropriate way or means.
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